We support the offspring of Brose Bamberg e.V.

We believe in strength, discipline and ambition, which is why we support basketball talents in Bamberg, Franconia. If you want to be successful in this sport, you need talent, passion and team spirit – so we can identify very well. With our commitment we want to contribute to promoting this dynamic sport in the region.

50 new consolation Teddies

With the “Knuddel-Ralphi” Kinderhilfe Eckental has been supporting sick and injured children for years, who need to be treated in an emergency. The Kuschelteddy helps the child better over pain and anxiety and of course gives him great pleasure.

For us from pharmadocs it was therefore a matter of the heart to make our social contribution to our region.

Therefore, we have now donated 50 new comfort teddy bears, so get a variety of facilities in the district Lichtenfels again “replenishment”. We really hope that we can give the little ones a little comfort and put a smile on their faces.

We would like to thank Mrs. Corinna Steffl from Kinderhilfe Eckental for the great cooperation.

Summer Trip 2018 – ExitGames Nuremberg

TEAM – Together Everyone Achieves More

With this in mind, the pharmadocs team set out on this year’s summer excursion to downtown Nuremberg. There we faced two tricky theme rooms and tried to solve their puzzles together.

At first we started the day relaxed. After a short train ride we reached Nuremberg around noon and planned to have a picnic for the upcoming event on the Wöhrder Wiese. Surprised by the rain, the start of our eventful day seemed to fall into the water. But not even the onset of rain could spoil the fun: If the weather is not good, the picnic is simply moved inside. So we could enjoy our delicacies instead of on picnic blankets, on comfortable sofas under roof.
From sweet fruit and homemade cakes to hearty dumplings and classic cheese cubes: our lunch left nothing to be desired.

Freshly fortified we finally started: Divided into two teams we tried to defuse a bomb and to find a mysterious magic stone to break the dark power of the magician. In the process, we outgrew ourselves in the group. Under time pressure we examined every corner of the rooms, solved logic puzzles, cracked locks and found secret lockers. The main focus was on good communication within the Group: We exchanged information about newly discovered objects, developed ideas together on how to interpret individual clues and finally found the solutions for the given thinking tasks.
We could rely on each other as a team and complement each other’s ideas. In this way, we not only spent a fun afternoon together far away from the office, but also grew together even more as a group.

Richer by an exciting experience, we finally reviewed the day with mixed tapas and exchanged puzzles solved before we started our journey home together.

Summer excursion 2016 – the ultimate driving fun tour, 10.08.2016

This year’s summer excursion was pure driving fun. On 29.07.2016 we made our way to Steinwiesen for the ultimate driving fun tour on the Segway and afterwards on the summer toboggan run.

Segway tour from stone meadows to rock

Early in the morning we had a coffee and a piece of cake in the office. Then we started to Steinwiesen for the ultimate driving fun tour. After the introduction into the operation of the Segway we set off from stone meadows over Wallenfels to Fels. On the 14 km long distance we could really ride our two-wheelers. In Wallenfels we made a short stop at the lock and were amazed at the rafts. The raft trips on the Wild Rodach are well known in the region. Arrived at the Gasthof Fels we took a break and had a delicious lunch. On the way back we could really enjoy the beautiful nature again. After a total of 28 km we have returned to Steinwiesen.

Driving fun on the summer toboggan run

On our way home we spontaneously had the idea to make a stopover at the summer toboggan run in Frankenwald near Kronach. There the lift pulled us 250 meters up the mountain before we went downhill again at high speed on the winding track. Finally, there were delicious sundaes and coffee in the ice cream parlour next door. The pharmadocs summer excursion was a great experience for everyone and has strengthened our team spirit even more.

Excursion on the water – 24.07.2015

This year’s summer excursion took us to the Franconian Switzerland for kayaking on the Wiesent. Many can already tell about their own kayak tour, but for the pharmadocs team it was completely new territory. Since most of the work colleagues had never sat in a kayak before, some had mixed feelings. How does it behave with paddling, how do you steer, what do you do in critical and difficult situations.

After a detailed briefing we marched with the two-man kayaks towards the river bank. The entry into the water has worked perfectly due to the mutual assistance. Now position the paddles correctly and let’s go. Full of anticipation we set off from the Behringersmühle to Streitberg. We discovered Franconian Switzerland in a unique way from the water and enjoyed the beautiful nature when the weather was fine.

Some rapids required our full concentration, good communication and teamwork. Three transfer points forced us to lift the kayaks out of the water, carry them over land and put them back into the water a few meters further on. From time to time individual sandbanks hid in the river, which could not be recognized immediately. It did happen that some kayaks landed and threatened to capsize. But with combined forces we were able to free ourselves from this gagging situation.

After four eventful hours and 15 km of river we have reached our destination Streitberg. Afterwards we had a barbecue to review the day. We laughed about misfortunes and were happy about the successful excursion and the new experiences that further strengthened our team spirit. For some people this will certainly not have been their last kayak tour.

7 little fruits and one male – so it was said in the application, 30.06.2015

A tasty cake with fruity, fresh strawberries would be just the thing on these warm summer days,” we thought to ourselves. As a result, we advertised our company under the motto “7 Fruits and a Male” in the strawberry cake reporter campaign of the local radio station Radio Eins.

Promptly the RadioEINS reporter set off for Lichtenfels to get to know the 7 little fruits and one male. He sniffed curiously into the day-to-day work of pharmadocs and learned a lot about our activities in the field of drug approvals. With a freshly baked strawberry cake in his luggage, the radio reporter gave the entire pharmadocs team a delicious treat.

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